Monday, October 12, 2009

Suggestions Needed--Breech Birth!

After meeting with my doctor on Friday, I recieved the discouraging news that my baby is presenting in a breech positon. This came as a total surprise to me, as both of my previous pregnancies were normal.

So today I'm asking my dear readers if they may have any suggestions for me as to how I can get this baby turned around! Also, in the event that the baby will not turn, is it possible to deliver a baby naturally in the breech postion? Have any of you done this? My doctor is really big on scheduling an automatic c-section for breech babies, and I really don't want to go that route!

Any info you can give me will be greatly appreciated!


  1. Hi. I would suggest seeing a chiropracter for the Webster Technique. I have had four breech babies... one we turned at 37 1/2 weeks by doing slatboard exercises and she was born at 38 weeks. One we turned by doing slant board exercises at 39 1/2 weeks, and she was born shortly after. One, we turned at 38 weeks using a chiropracter, which was by FAR easier and more comfortable!!! The other turned again during labor and got his cord wrapped around his neck, which resulted in a c/sec... but he was my second (I typed out of order) and I have had two VBACS since.

    I hope this helps! Definitely call around to see if there are any able chiros around you... second, check out slantboard exercises.

    Hope the best for you! Amy Ellen from Health Begins With Mom

  2. Thanks, Amy Ellen. I will definitely call a chiropracter and check into those exercises!

  3. Have you checked out spinning babies?

    As Amy said, I would definitely try a chiropractor as well. Contact your local ICAN chapter, they should have some good resources for you!

    Dear Lord, please be with Alexis and allow her third to turn father, to the right position. I pray that you would give her strength to now worry and to give this unto you. I thank you God for all that you can do. In Jesus name, Amen.

    God Bless Alexis!!


  4. - Try
    - Read this ICAN White Paper...
    - Look for a local chiropractor certified in the Webster technique.
    - Contact the closest ICAN chapter & see if they have ideas for providers who can help you.

    I hope all goes well!

  5. I'm so sorry! I don't know anything about breech babies, but please know I'm praying the baby will turn before the big day.

    God Bless,

  6. I am praying as well, I do know anything about this but I know I had a c-section and I wish I never had it :s... blessings

  7. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and suggestions!

  8. Looks like you got a couple of places to check out and some helpful suggestions. I don't know much about breech babies but I prayed for you.

    All will be well. Keep on trusting God the Father as you do your research. He will lead you and let you know what to do.
