Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook for March 9, 2010

Outside my window it's cloudy and gloomy, about to rain.

I am thinking about revamping my daily routine to better fit our family's schedule.

I am thankful for the prayers of friends and God's promises to help me when I ask for help.
From the kitchen blackened fish, baked potatoes and salad.

I am wearing a coral-colored lounge pants and jacket duo.

I am creating some new planner pages for my homemaking binder.

I am going to the BMV to plate our new car---oh joy!!

I am reading "Nourishing Traditions", still!

I am hoping that God is going to answer some very difficult prayers!

I am hearing a gentle spring rain outside the open kitchen window.
Around the house is the smell of fresh, spring air, something we've gone too long without!

A few of my plans for the rest of the week are learning to make my own tortillas, going to the natural foods market to buy more water kefir grains to replace the ones I killed this weekend (oops--forgot the sugar water!) and working on my itenerary for cooking classes I'll be teaching later this spring.

You can find more Daybooks at The Simple Woman.


  1. Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you.


  2. Well you just splash away, dear! I'm glad you stopped by, and hope you enjoy my blog!

  3. my sis has an easy recipe for making homemade tortillas. Check out Jackie's blog at www.homesteadwannabes.blogspot.com

    She made them the other day for us and they were delicious!

  4. We are doing a study on hearing G-d's voice..it is opening my eyes to so much about listening and hearing Him as we wait for answers..
